Hip three and two

Hip three and two
Hip three (with screws) and hip two about to get a facelift

Friday 13 July 2012

Goodbye walking stick - hello hurdles

This may well be the happiest week of my life ( minus child related stuff ). I have packed away my walking stick after 119 days (17 weeks) on crutches and a walking stick. My gratitude to surgeon Peter Wilson who only weeks ago had me in his office questioning whether I'd ever walk again unaided.

I thought I'd be walking normally after 8 weeks and the fear set in a few weeks ago. The support of my friends and work colleagues has given me the strength to stay positive. Thanks to family who visited me in hospital and especially to my sister in law.

Im grateful for the cakes, soups, casseroles, chocolates, cuddles, wine, company, DVDs, lifts, quiche, mags, books, understanding, kind and uplifting words, cleaning, rekorderlig, prayers, crutches, tissues and shoulders to lean on.

Thanks Peter Wilson, today I had the most gorgeous day walking around Red Hill's Ashcombe Maze with my kids and I wasn't sure whether I'd ever do that again without my walking stick (you told me so). It was slippery.  I walked across rocks through a stream. Tonight I was able to carry by daughter from the bath and carry shopping with both hands.  It's the little things.