For those of you reading this because you are actually having a hip replacement, you may wish to look away now - the first nights back in your own bed after the operation are tough and I forgot how so.
Before I get out the violin, I acknowledge that my arrival back here on earth has been made all the more easier and lovely by girlfriends bearing car rides, soup, chocolate, books, Rekorderlig fresh fruit and veggies, quiche and cups of tea. My house and garden were made over while I was in hospital and there's nothing I need to do other than get better, so lots of love and gratitude.
Now back to the news. Last night there were no nurses, no mechanically beds, no distractions, just me and my throbbing leg.
My first night was spent wishing it would be over. Where did all that mindfulness training go? My leg and hip hurt like hell and I couldn't find a position in bed that didn't hurt.
I've been a card carrying stomach sleeper for years but am unable to achieve that position at the moment. I altered positions five times or so, searching for the one that stuffed a cushion in the mouth of my pain, if even for a few hours.
It's best to sleep with a pillow between your legs after a hip replacement as your new hip may pop out if one leg crosses the other. I eventually got to sleep at around 3.30am, surrounded by enough pillows to stuff a doona cover.
The family Burmese cat is a bit of an issue. So excited is she to have someone in the house that she is celebrating by walking up and down across my face, my sore leg and every other part of me trying to get comfortable.
This is not what you need when you're, sore and tired. Tonight I will try and better manage my medication. Last night was a fail. The cat can stay out of my room. Previous experience in the lock out tells me that the cat will cry for hours and try and wedge the door open with her paw. I may need ear plugs.
This morning I awoke feeling like I'd been hit by a bus - either that or had a hip replacement. I know things will improve eventually. Did it hurt this much last time? I love it how your mind clears away all the sore bits.
This morning at 9.30am, still in bed, I wrote a little To Do list to motivate myself - it says : Shower, clean up, check emails and bills, do exercises, rest and read, draw a little. I've had two visitors, ticked a few boxes and am in back in bed - will shower later.
On the 14th of March 2012 orthopaedic surgeon and miracle worker Peter Wilson will install my fourth hip replacement. A touch of liposuction whilst I’m under wouldn’t go astray but sadly I don’t think this is Peter’s specialty. He installed my first replacement at age 23, my second at age 27, the replacement of my first hip replacement at age 41 and now the replacement of my second hip replacement at age 43. This blog will track my recovery from crutches to cartwheels and beyond.
Keep on keeping on Kerrie! It's probably just like having your fourth child.....your memory has been wiped of past experience, and you go into it thinking about all the positives of having a new child, forgetting you actually have to give birth to it! Take each day as it comes, one at a time. And before you know it, you'll have your 6 week check up and have forgotten about the first weeks. x