Hip three and two

Hip three and two
Hip three (with screws) and hip two about to get a facelift

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Week 5 post hip replacement recovery status

I considered the blogging of my hip replacement recovery initially to provide a handy resource for folk either undergoing a replacement or a revision and secondly a bit of a project designed to keep my eyes on the prize (walking unaided without a limp)

Not many forty something year olds have had two revisions. They only last around 15-20 years so I'm already thinking about how old the kids will be when I'm having my next ones. Frankly it's not a pleasant thought.

Yesterday (hello) the thought occurred to me that no two hip replacement recoveries would be the same. At the same time, suggestions that can make the often painful journey more tolerable are valuable so I hope this blog provides some sort of value to someone other than me.

In the case of Total Hip Replacement revisions, these are complicated operations that can often go pear shaped so I consider myself lucky that my right hip revision, now two years old, is gloriously pain free. My new hip, now 5 weeks old is still sore.

This week my surgeon Peter Wilson said this was normal so I have to take his word for it. In particular I have a bit of my thigh that aches every morning and I can't wait for it to stop. You ask yourself, has something gone wrong, did I screw up by cleaning the kitchen without my crutch? It's a waiting game. Is this pain temporary or permanent?

As you can see from the photo below,I have a sort of a steel ring which is basically holding the bone around the titanium rod in my femur.

I hope my new bone is having a party down there and regenerating like a time lord in doctor who.


  1. After hip replacement some practices elevate your recovery process. Do exercise as they increase blood circulation and blood clot formation chance will be reduce. Start walking for short distances and carry out activities. Start climbing up and down on stair it demands strength, hold handrail for support. Exercising is a low impact activity that helps to regain muscular strength and mobility in the hip region. Recovery from hip replacement surgery actually takes place before the start of the surgery itself.
    Hip Replacement Surgery

    1. Hi John, thanks for your wise words. My condition was caused by avascular necrosis in my late teens. My last post celebrates the fact that I'm off my walking stick. I'm doing ten minutes a day on an exercise bike and carrying around a four year old daughter - seems to be doing the trick. Hope you enjoy the Olympics, I'd probably qualify after four hip replacements. cheers Kerrie

  2. This is really a good one. I am happy to read something about this topic. Thank you for sharing this very informative post.

    Total Hip Replacement Precautions

  3. I'm intrigue with your blog. Thank you for letting us know about your life's journey. My older sister, 51, is awaiting for left hip replacement. She's scared, we're scared but surgery must be done because 2 years of limited mobility is too much to bear on. She's dying to get back to biking, yoga and the mountain. According to this article, hip replacement is gaining traction and is expected to elevate its numbers in 5 years or so. Thoughts?

  4. Hi Ada, thanks for your thoughts. I'm 44 and have had four hip replacements. I have a 5 year old and an 11 year old son and to live pain free and be able to be active in my children's lives has meant a lot to me and them. I'm hoping there will be some miracle invention as I know a third revision that will be required on both sides will come with risks and possible complications. I'm a believer in living for today, and so does my surgeon. Tell your sister to go for it. cheers Kerrie

  5. Hi, I am hoping this blog is still alive…I am going in for my 4th revision. First replacement in 2011, recalled and replaced in 2013, 2014, and now 2015 (this coming Monday). I am wondering how you are doing now?

  6. Hi Dale, my hips are going great touch wood ( or titanium) mainly due to a great surgeon and loads of luck by the sounds of it. Touch base on facebook and we can chat. I'm now 47 and only feel vague discomfort every now and again. Hope you are going ok, it sounds like you have had the same side done each time. cheers Kerrie

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